Courses & Degree Requirements – MA in Classical Education

The Master of Arts in Classical Education is a 36-credit degree program, offered in six (6) consecutive semesters starting each summer. This program includes six (6) credits in the foundational principles and history of classical education, 12 credits in reading the great works of the Western intellectual tradition, six (6) credits in general education, and 12 credits in classical methods for specific subject areas. In addition, all candidates will create a portfolio of professional work displaying their understanding of classical education and its pedagogical methods as a requirement for successful completion of the degree program.

Program Requirements Flyer

Degree Requirements

  • Students must complete 36 credit-hours of course work within six (6) calendar years from the date of initial enrollment.
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.0 must be attained in all graduate work.
  • Degree candidates must successfully complete portfolio requirements under the supervision of the program director.  

Course Format & Delivery

Most courses are delivered online through Benedictine College’s course management system (typically Canvas). Online courses include a blend of synchronous and asynchronous work. Two courses are delivered ONLY in-person during the summer institute, which occurs in late June for the first summer of the program and July for the second summer. Housing for the summer institute is available through Benedictine College. If you have any questions, contact us for more information.

Course Sequence & Descriptions

First Year


  • CLST-5010 Education & the Human Person (3 credit hours) [Intensive in-person on campus]
  • EDUC-5570 Classroom Management for Practicing Teachers (3 credit hours)


  • CLST-6110 Classical Tradition in the Ancient World (3 credit hours)
  • CLST-5115 Classical Methods for Reading (3 credit hours)


  • CLST-6120 Classical Tradition in the Medieval World (3 credit hours)
  • CLST-5125 Classical Methods for Mathematics (3 credit hours)

Second Year


  • CLST-5020 History & Theory of Classical Education (3 credit hours) [Intensive in-person on campus]
  • EDUC-5571 Meeting the Needs of All Learners for Practicing Teachers (3 credit hours)


  • CLST-6130 Classical Tradition in the Renaissance World (3 credit hours)
  • CLST-5135 Classical Methods for the Sciences (2 credit hours)
  • CLST-5215 Classical Methods for the Catholic Faith (2 credit hours; elective*) 
  • CLST-5225 Classical Methods for Language Instruction (2 credit hours; elective*)    *Student must complete either CLST 5215 or CLST 5225 in the specified semester.


  • CLST-6140 Classical Tradition in the Modern World (3 credit hours)
  • CLST-5145 Classical Methods for Geography & History (2 credit hours) Students will take only 5 credit hours this semester in order to have sufficient time for completing portfolio requirements prior to graduation.

Portfolio Requirements:

Each student will create a portfolio to serve as evidence of each student’s mastery of our programs goals and learning objectives. Moreover, this portfolio provides each student with clear documentation of his or her understanding of the foundational principles and pedagogy of the classical, liberal arts tradition.